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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Moving to NoVa?

If you've just moved or are contemplating a move to Fairfax or Loudoun counties, a good resource to prepare yourself for the mundane but oh-so-important tasks such as finding a new OB/GYN, pediatrician, hair salon, etc. is the Virginia bulletin board at It seems to be populated mostly by women, who are quite active about offering suggestions and posing comments.

Some current posts:
* pregnant & moving to NoVa
* NoVA childcare recomendations?
* Searching for OB/GYN in Loudoun
* Northern VA chiropractic recommendations?

p.s. For the unitiated, the abbreviations DH, DD, DS stand for "Dear Husband," "Dear Daughter," and "Dear Son," respectively. Don't ask me why.

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