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Friday, February 1, 2008


In the mind's eye of the mom I'd like to be, I'd be taking my 4-year-old daughter to storytimes and other events at the library. Haven't gotten around to it yet, though, because there's always other things we want to do. Not to mention the fact that she can't sit still and would ask the storyteller to hurry up, already.

But in fits of optimism, I check the events at all the county libraries to see what their events are. I've only lived in NoVa for two years now, so I don't know where all the libraries are located and whether it's worth driving that far to get to an event.

So, I made myself a Googlemap of Fairfax County libraries. I can easily see now the distance from any library from my house, and can even plot a driving route. I plan to add mini-reviews with photos/video of the libraries as well later, as well a Loudoun County map. Gotta love Google.

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