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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Day 3 Post Surgery

Still going strong ... I can't believe how awesome he's been doing. I mean, this is a boy who shrilly screams BEFORE the nurse puts in the needle to draw blood. I've been giving him regular Tylenol every 4 hours and tried to lower the dosage today but then he complained about his throat hurting just a little bit so I'm going back up to 2 1/2 tsp.

He started eating solids yesterday, starting with pudding and progressing to mac and cheese, which I put in the food processor to chop finely. Today it was Spaghetti O's, which I didn't even chop. He hasn't liked the taste of ice cream, though, oddly enough. Nor has he wanted popsicles or the sorbet or Italian ices I bought in bulk in preparation for a siege o' pain. Go figure.

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